WOTC Wednesday CMS Brian Kelly

WOTC Wednesday: How Long Must an Eligible Employee Work Before Receiving a WOTC Tax Credit?

CMS’s Brian Kelly answers your questions about the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. Today’s WOTC Wednesday question: How Long Must an Eligible Employee Work Before You Receive a WOTC Tax Credit? CMS Responds: How Long Must an Eligible Employee Work Before Your Company Can Claim the Work Opportunity Tax Credit? There’s a couple of thresholds. Number One[…]

WOTC Wednesday CMS Brian Kelly

WOTC Wednesday: Can I Get a Report on How Many People Qualified for WOTC?

CMS’s Brian Kelly answers your questions about the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. Today’s WOTC Wednesday question: Can I get a report on how many people were qualified for WOTC? CMS Responds: Absolutely, so you can see how many people surveyed, how many people qualified, how many people are certified by the State (Workforce Agency), and then[…]

WOTC Wednesday CMS Brian Kelly

WOTC Wednesday: What is a Conditional Certification for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit?

CMS’s Brian Kelly answers your questions about the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. Today’s WOTC Wednesday question: What is a Conditional Certification for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit? CMS Responds: A question we get is “What Is a ‘Conditional Certification’ for WOTC?” Well the conditional certification falls under the Ticket to Work where folks go in and[…]

WOTC Wednesday CMS Brian Kelly

WOTC Wednesday: Can I Get a Partial Work Opportunity Tax Credit If The Employee Only Worked a Few Weeks?

  CMS’s Brian Kelly answers your questions about the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. Today’s WOTC Wednesday question: Can I Get a Partial WOTC Tax Credit If The Employee Only Worked a Few Weeks? CMS Responds: Can I still get a WOTC Tax Credit if the employee only worked a few weeks? So the answer to that[…]

WOTC Wednesday CMS Brian Kelly

WOTC Wednesday: Do Remote Employees Still Qualify for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit?

  CMS’s Brian Kelly answers your questions about the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. Today’s WOTC Wednesday question:  Does the employee still qualify for WOTC when they work remotely? CMS Responds: It doesn’t matter where they work, it really comes under how long they work, and how much they receive as earnings if they’re qualified. Qualified candidates[…]

WOTC Wednesday CMS Brian Kelly

WOTC Wednesday: What is the Tax Credit Amount for the Long-Term Unemployment Recipient?

  CMS’s Brian Kelly answers your questions about the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. Today’s WOTC Wednesday question: What is the (WOTC) Tax Credit Amount for the Long-Term Unemployment Recipient? CMS Responds: So first of all, under long-term unemployment recipient, they have to be unemployed for over 26 weeks. The amount will be determined based on how[…]

WOTC Wednesday CMS Brian Kelly

WOTC Wednesday: Can I Get a WOTC Tax Credit for Hiring Former Employees?

CMS’s Brian Kelly answers your questions about the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. Today’s WOTC Wednesday question: Can I Get a WOTC Tax Credit for Hiring Former Employees? CMS Responds: Can I get a tax credit for hiring former employees? The answer is no. The WOTC Tax Credit is designed to bring new employees back into the[…]

WOTC Wednesday CMS Brian Kelly

WOTC Wednesday: Best Practice to Make Sure All Employees Participate

CMS’s Brian Kelly answers your questions about the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. Today’s WOTC Wednesday question: Is There a Best Practice to Make Sure All Employees Participate? CMS Responds: “Is There a “Best Practice” to Making Sure all Employees Participate? Well we can’t force people to fill out the WOTC forms, but we can certainly make[…]

WOTC Wednesday CMS Brian Kelly

WOTC Wednesday: Are the “WOTC” Work Opportunity Tax Credit Forms Required?

CMS’s Brian Kelly answers your questions about the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. Today’s WOTC Wednesday question: Are the Work Opportunity Tax Credit Forms Required? CMS Responds: Is the WOTC Forms (8850 and 9061) required? They’re not a “required” document. It is a voluntary program that your new hires would participate in, but we certainly can make[…]

WOTC Wednesday CMS Brian Kelly

WOTC Wednesday: Does WOTC Have a Limit to How Many WOTC Credits I Can Claim?

CMS’s Brian Kelly answers your questions about the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. Today’s WOTC Wednesday question: Is There a Limit to How Many WOTC Tax Credits I Can Claim? CMS Responds: Is There a Limit to How Many WOTC Tax Credits I Can Claim Each Year? The good news is, is no, there’s no limit. Note[…]