CMS WOTC Newsletter

Sign Up for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) Newsletter

Whether you’re a current customer, potential customer, or just looking, sign up for CMS’s monthly Work Opportunity Tax Credit newsletter to stay informed of the latest updates, WOTC news, and available training. The WOTC Newsletter from CMS is monthly on the first Friday of each month.     Related: WOTC Newsletter Archive


WOTC Questions: Are there requirements on how long the employee has to be employed with the business in order for the employer to receive the credit?

At CMS, as Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) experts and service providers since 1997, we receive a lot of questions via our website’s chat box that we try to answer: Are there requirements on how long the employee has to be employed with the business in order for the employer to receive the credit? CMS[…]


WOTC Questions: I am looking for a representative to come speak with my company about your services

At CMS, as Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) experts and service providers since 1997, we receive a lot of questions via our website’s chat box that we try to answer: I am looking for a representative to come speak with my company about your services. CMS Says: Hi, we can occasionally do in-person events based[…]

Brian Kelly CMS WOTC Work Opportunity Tax Credit Webinar

Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) Webinar Schedule

Join our WOTC subject matter expert Brian Kelly this month to learn about the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC), how much employers can save when they hire, why the 28-day rule is so important to employers, and why there has never been a better time to take advantage of the Work Opportunity Tax Credit! Learn about what’s upcoming[…]


WOTC Questions: Can You Do a WOTC Application on a Cell Phone?

At CMS, as Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) experts and service providers since 1997, we receive a lot of questions via our website’s chat box that we try to answer: Can You Do a WOTC Application on a Cell Phone? CMS Says: Hi, yes you can. Customers who are using our online screening will receive[…]


WOTC Questions: Do you help companies in Georgia with WOTC?

At CMS, as Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) experts and service providers since 1997, we receive a lot of questions via our website’s chat box that we try to answer: Do you help companies in Georgia with WOTC? CMS Says: Hi, yes we do. Did you know Georgia was in the top ten states when[…]


WOTC Questions: When referring to target groups, how does a Long-Term Family Assistance recipient differ from a TANF recipient?

At CMS, as Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) experts and service providers since 1997, we receive a lot of questions via our website’s chat box that we try to answer: When referring to target groups, how does a Long-Term Family Assistance recipient differ from a TANF recipient? CMS Says: Hi, when it comes to the[…]


WOTC Questions: If we hire temporary employees for 90 days can we claim the WOTC on those 90 days or not until after we directly hire them?

At CMS, as Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) experts and service providers since 1997, we receive a lot of questions via our website’s chat box that we try to answer: If we hire temporary employees for 90 days can we claim the WOTC on those 90 days or not until after we directly hire them?[…]