WOTC Wednesday: Are We Eligible for Employees Who Continue to Receive SNAP Benefits After Being Hired?

CMS’s Brian Kelly answers your questions about the Work Opportunity Tax Credit.

Today’s WOTC Wednesday question: Are We Eligible for Employees Who Continue to Receive SNAP Benefits While Working?


CMS Responds: Are We (WOTC) Eligible for Employees If they still get SNAP Benefits While Working or only if they go off? The answer is actually both, you can get a federal tax credit if the employee falls under the SNAP category. They’re not going to be taken off of SNAP* or anything of that nature. The whole program is designed to get these folks back into the workplace.

*(This may depend on the individual’s SNAP eligibility after being hired. As a rule, it does not affect the employer’s WOTC eligibility if someone continues to receive SNAP after being hired.)


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