WOTC Questions: If someone checks off that they have a conditional certification for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit, how do I know what target group they are in?

At CMS, as Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) experts and service providers since 1997, we receive a lot of questions via our website’s chat box: CMS Says: The ETA Form 9062 Conditional Certification will list the target group code. The employee will also have to complete the 8850 and 9061 forms, and the state workforce agency[…]

Potential New WOTC Target Groups

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit program is an enormously valuable program for employers. On average 10-15% of new hires may qualify under one of the nine current target groups, a potential expansion is always on the table: The 115th Congress (2017-2018) has received the following recent proposals to amend the Work Opportunity Tax Credit program[…]